Welcome to Region 19's Webcast!
This page maintained by Diane Bartel, Webcast Coordinator
We offer the webcast free-of-charge for members who cannot attend, as well to allow friends and family, and community members to experience barbershop.
If you can donate (any amount) to help support the webcast, please use the button below. Your support is very much appreciated! **New this year we are adding our Saturday Night Show to the Webcast Line up! Suggestion Minimum Donation: $20 per contest session |
Please note: The webcast will be best viewed using Chrome, Firefox, or the latest version of Microsoft Edge
Order of Appearance
Meet our Emcees!
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Lori Crouter
Lori Dreyer
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Maggie Ryan
Sarah Nainan-Newhard
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Maggie is a 24-year member of Greater Harrisburg Chorus, where she sings bass. Over the years, she has fulfilled a number of chorus roles, from PR chair to president and almost every job in between. She was a dual member with Pride of Baltimore Chorus for four years, and sang in a couple of quartets that competed here in Region 19.
Sweet Adelines may be familiar with her from past webcasts in Houston, Denver, Hawaii and Baltimore, where she anchored the chorus contest coverage and shared the mic with Sarah Nainan-Newhard for the Harmony Classic. Maggie also has emceed a session of the chorus contest in Denver and serving as "The Voice of God" in Houston, where she introduced the emcees for every session of the competition. In Region 19, she has been an emcee for the chorus and quartet contests and the 2016 Show of Champions. Maggie has been a correspondent for the Pitch Pipe magazine for 15 years and served on the International Editorial Review Board for 13 years. She was appointed as a member of the International Membership Committee and served as its chair for one year. Maggie is delighted to add co-host of the Region 19 webcast to her impressive list of onstage credits, which includes cow poke, bridesmaid, the Big Kahuna, a singing nun, a Frankenburg monster and most recently, a Christmas tree. |
Sarah is proud to celebrate her 29th year as a Sweet Adeline. Sarah currently sings bass with Region 19's 2018 Regional Champion Quartet Sound Design. Her Sweet Adeline jewelry box also currently contains a third, fourth, fifth and another first place regional quartet medal, three second place international chorus medals (with Pride of Baltimore under Janet Ashford), as well as numerous regional chorus champion medals.
In addition, Sarah has served as chapter president, vice-president, treasurer and music team and visual chairs. But it doesn't stop there: she's also served as Communications, Education and Team Coordinators on Region 19's Regional Management Team. She serves on the Regional Faculty coaching chapters in showmanship as well as designing choreography, and maintains the Region 19 website. Sarah is also known for bringing her sense of humor to the stage as emcee at both the chapter and regional level. In 2014 she was invited to serve as webcaster (alongside Maggie Ryan) at the Harmony Classic competition at Sweet Adelines' International Convention in Baltimore. In real life, Sarah is an IT Applications Program Manager for a nationwide non-profit, and lives in Maryland with her three dogs and a cat, and spends a lot of time vacuuming. |
We're glad to have brought our Regional Convention & Contest to you free of charge, but to keep this free,
we ask that you consider a donation! Thank you!
we ask that you consider a donation! Thank you!