Sweet Adelines-Related Links:
Other Barbershop Links:
Barbershop Around the World:
- To visit Region 19's Chapters, refer to our Choruses page
- Sweet Adelines International, Inc.
- Links to other Sweet Adelines Regions
- Sweet Adelines' Facebook Page
- Sweet Adelines' Instagram Page
- Sweet Adelines' Pinterest Page
- Sweet Adelines' Twitter Page
- Sweet Adelines' YouTube Channel
- Coronet Club
Other Barbershop Links:
- Barbershop Connections - Another great place to talk about competition, music schools, etc.
- Barbershop Harmony Society The Barbershop Harmony Society brings men together in harmony and fellowship to enrich lives through singing.
- Harmony, Incorporated Another organization of women of all ages, recognized for world-class singing in the barbershop style and promoting bonds of friendship.
- Mid-Atlantic District BHS Men's regional district within Region 19
Barbershop Around the World:
- BABS - British Association of Barbershop Singers The British Association of Barbershop Singers is a registered charity, whose aim is to promote the education of people of any age in the enjoyment of Harmony Singing in the Barbershop Style.
- BinG! - Barbershop in Germany Since BinG! was founded in 1991, many new barbershop choruses and quartets have come into being in Germany, creating their wonderful sounds on the stage with animated enjoyment.
- FABS - Finnish Association of Barbershop Singers FABS was founded in 2004 to promote and support barbershop in Finland. The aim is to increase interest in 4-part a cappella singing among juniors as well as seniors who have singing as their hobby.
- LABBS - Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers LABBS is the only British Ladies Barbershop Association in the UK.
- SABS - Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers
- SNOBS - Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers SNOBS is an association aiming to spread, develop and preserve Barbershop style in choruses and quartets throughout the Nordic countries.