Welcome to Region 19's Convention Boutique
Hosted by Valley Forge Chorus
updated: 05-02-2024
Visit our vendors at the Boutique in Freedom Hall A
Boutique Hours:
Thursday, May 16: 3:00 - 9:00pm
Friday, May 17: 10:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday, May 18: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday, May 16: 3:00 - 9:00pm
Friday, May 17: 10:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday, May 18: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Vendor Name |
Vendor Description |
Cassidy Suzanne Designs |
Cassidy Suzanne Designs is a graphic designer and illustrator. Check out her table to see what unique home decor items you can find! For more information, check out https://www.cassidysuzanne.com |
Garden On Vintage Lane |
Garden on Vintage Lane is a local Lancaster artist. Check out their table at the boutique to find unique upcycled silverware and more. For more information, check out https://www.etsy.com/shop/GardenOnVintageLane |
Gold Medal Ideas (Consignment) |
Gold Medal Ideas returns to the boutique providing their unique line of Barbershop themed gear. For more information, check out www.goldmedalideas.com |
Greater Harrisburg Chorus |
Greater Harrisburg Chorus is hosting an all events raffle at the Boutique this year! Stop by their table to enter! |
Home Prep Products |
Check out the Home Prep Products booth in the Boutique to find natural cleaning products for your home. Each product is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal without the harsh odors that come with traditional cleaners. For more information, check out https://homeprepproducts.com/ |
Lady Jayne |
Pick up some glam and add a little sparkle to your accessories with Lady Jayne’s jewelry line. For more information, check out https://www.ladyjayne.com/ |
LevAhavah |
Check out LevAhavah's booth for Christian inspired handbags. For more information, check out https://www.etsy.com/shop/LevAhavah |
Lisa Maree Designs |
Check out the Lisa Maree Designs booth in the Boutique to find unique handmade bags! For more information, check out http://www.lisamareedesigns.com/ |
Lularoe |
Lularoe is a company dedicated to making fun, comfortable clothing for all body types. For more information, check out https://shop.lularoebless.com/SandyMowrer |
Pampered Chef |
Check out Pampered Chef's line of cookware to make cooking and baking easier than ever. For more information, check out https://www.pamperedchef.com/pws/kimkoch |
Paparazzi Jewelry |
Paparazzi is about changing how people feel by making trendy accessories available to all at an affordable price. By doing so, they inspire dreams, empower talents, and change people’s lives. Whether you need jewelry for your next performance, night out, work, or just because, you can find it here! For more information check out their website: https://paparazziaccessories.com/480225/ |
Polished Stamper |
You won’t want to miss the Polished Stamper booth at this year’s boutique! Polished Stamper offers Color Street, a line of cutting edge nail polish and nail care products. For more information, visit https://www.colorstreet.com/cjrnails |
Revolution Lancaster |
Revolution Lancaster is a Jewelry company founded by women for women. Discovery unique jewelry pieces while supporting their mission to provide for women experiencing homelessness. For more information, check out https://www.revolutionlancaster.com/ |
Ruby Ribbon |
Ruby Ribbon’s goal is to support women through comfort, confidence & opportunity. Explore their line of shapewear with products to fit all your lifestyle needs! For more info, check out their website: http://rubyribbon.myvoffice.com/party/SaiRegion19 |
Silver Pines Designs |
Silver Pines Designs is a local Lancaster jeweler specializing in customizable natural wooden jewelry. For more information, check out https://www.etsy.com/shop/SilverPinesDesign |
Tranquility Massage Therapy |
Learn of the benefits of massage therapy at the Tranquility Massage Therapy booth in the Boutique! For more information, check out https://www.tranquiltherapywellness.com/ |
Valley Forge Chorus Emporium |
You won’t want to miss the Valley Forge Chorus Emporium at this year’s Boutique! Find a treasure trove of items ranging from jewelry and handbags to small appliances and handmade crafts. |
Willow Creek Soaps |
Discover the soap line founded by our very own Lori Jo Whitehaus, director of Vocal Harmonix Chorus. For more information, check out https://www.facebook.com/WillowCreekSoapsPA |